
Branding and Identity, Mitroplast

The logo below is made for Mitroplast, one of the top PVC doors and windows manufacturers in Kosovo and the region. For more than 15 years, Mitroplast has been providing top quality products for the local and regional market. The experienced team and the latest technology at Mitroplast, assure the clients that their products are of the latest European standards.


At Horizon, we were tasked to design the new logo while providing visual symbols that the company identifies itself with. Clients request were to have the letter M symbolizing the city of Mitrovica where the company is based at, and at the same time have a window representation that also identifies their industry as in working with doors and windows. As such, we came up with a combination of all the clients’ requests and presented a two wings window which also forms the letter M and the blue color symbolizing the Iber river in Mitrovica.


We believe that the logo provides great sense of the industry that Mitroplast is engaged with; and also serves well the purpose of being used for other print and design purposes. Working with Mitroplast was a great pleasure and both teams feel that the mission was successfully accomplished.

Check Mitroplast for more info:



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January 15, 2019
Branding, Webdesign, Social Media